
“I was referred to Adrienne Grace eighteen months ago by a trusted colleague. Since then I have participated in four different classes with her and have found her principles to be extremely effective. It has been equally helpful both personally and professionally, and I would encourage anyone who simply wants to be better and feel better and build a better business with less stress to engage with her. I’m happy to talk with anyone considering going down this path.”

-Lee Bryan III, Managing Director
Alex. Brown / Raymond James

"I've had the pleasure of working with Adrienne, a phenomenal mindset and career coach, for many years. Her guidance has been instrumental in transforming my life and career.

From the beginning, Adrienne's unique approach stood out. She doesn't just focus on surface-level issues but dives deep into mindset, helping to uncover and address the underlying beliefs that hold you back. Her techniques have been incredibly effective, leading to profound shifts in my thinking and behavior.

Adrienne's support has been unwavering. She has a remarkable ability to listen and understand my challenges, offering tailored strategies that align with my personal and professional goals. Her insights are always spot-on, and her encouragement has helped me to consistently push beyond my comfort zone.

Thanks to Adrienne, I've seen significant improvements in both my mindset and career. One specific reason my business is so successful today is because I've learned how to attract the right kind of clients. Additionally, I've exponentially grown my level of service to work smarter, not harder. Many people talk about this, but Adrienne actually shows you how to do it.

The investment in her coaching has brought so much wealth back to me. I've experienced a significant salary raise and more wins from clients over the last few years, simply because of the mindset I’ve developed through her program. It's truly unique, and you won't get this kind of coaching from other professionals.

Moreover, Adrienne has an incredible, powerful intuition that adds to the level of care and service she provides. If you’re looking for a coach who genuinely cares about your growth and will empower you to reach your full potential, I highly recommend Adrienne. Her impact on my life has been nothing short of transformative."

-Klaudia, Wholesaler

"Adrienne‘s coaching comes from deep personal and professional experiences. Trained in Bob Proctor's “Think and Grow Rich,” Adrienne has created a truly special platform, Alchemy. With Adrienne’s help and support, my commitment to self over the past year has been transformative. I commit more time to self, while experiencing growth and abundance in my wealth management practice, my relationships and my nonprofit. In simple terms, Adrienne’s coaching has supported me in creating behaviors that truly align with my highest beliefs!  Grateful!"

 -Patrice H, Financial Advisor  

“Adrienne opened my eyes to new angles on mindset. She offers excellent tips for staying positive, present, and focused on goal attainment. I enjoyed learning how the most successful people think and the mental, spiritual, and physical habits that we must align to become the highest versions of ourselves!”

 -Patrick W, Medical Device Sales

"Working with Adrienne has been the critical development in both my personal and professional life. Coming to the realization that we are indeed masters of our destiny and that we have all the tools inside ourselves to overcome obstacles and challenges was a true epiphany - and I have been empowered ever since. Setting goals and devoting my daily energy to achieve them has brought the highest levels of fulfillment. I cannot recommend Adrienne and her program enough."

-David M, Wholesaler

"I have loved my experience with Adrienne and the Proctor Gallagher Thinking Into Results program.  The combination and reinforcement of Bob Proctor's lessons coupled with Adrienne's coaching, has propelled my actions to finally realizing a work/life balance that I have never been successful in achieving.  It has opened up possibilities that I never realized were truly available.  I am so grateful to Adrienne for making this program available.  It has expanded my thinking in new and different ways.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!"

-Shelby, Financial Advisor

"Thank you! The Thinking Into Results program was a fantastic experience for me.  It allowed me to frame my goals and help develop the daily activities to achieve them.  With the tools Bob shares with you and the excellent coaching I received from Adrienne I spoke into existence goals which seemed silly and only dreams.  These new skills have already resulted in achieving goals earlier than I expected.  I am excited to see what can be accomplished next!  Thanks again to Coach Adrienne for convincing me to take the first step!"

-Tom, Financial Advisor

"This has been the most profitable and rewarding investment I ever made in my professional and personal development. Working with Adrienne and learning the material really helped me understand myself and why I wasn’t getting the results I wanted.  It is much easier to fight depression and anxiety knowing and believing that you literally have the power to make your dreams come true. This experience not only helped me get closer to my goals, it surprised me with unexpected results of letting go of bad habits and replacing them with healthy ones. I don’t procrastinate nearly as much as I used to, I don’t struggle as much to get myself to do things I know I need to do, and I no longer live in a constant state of anxiety. I receive countless blessings in my life, and I am proud that I am able to better serve our world as an individual. "

-Klaudia, Investment Professional

"Adrienne Grace offers a unique and transformative coaching experience that everyone needs to know about. Using the Bob Proctor “Thinking Into Results” coaching program as her base, and adding material from other coaching gurus and her own experiences, provided me with researched data, the necessary structure, and accountability that I needed to make progress in my mindset changes and goal visualization. I could not have asked for a better experience and better results. I now know how to make decisions: I ask myself at every decision point, “will this decision take me closer to my goal?’ Or “would the goal-achieved Tanya make this decision?”. Adrienne’s program offers a very straight-forward way to move through life’s challenges with accountability and awareness and provides an education about and access to all the tools necessary to live the life we desire to have. I credit the ease and clarity I had with selling my business at the end of last year to this coaching program."

-Tanya, Financial Advisor

"Adrienne is wonderful at what she does and she brings so much to the program over and above the base materials! She has helped me get clarity on what I want from life and provided the tools to achieve it. Thanks to her and the program, I am happier, healthier and more successful and I plan on continuing to improve and enjoy my life everyday!."

-Thomas, Financial Advisor